Frequently Asked Questions


Can I use Tree-Me without internet? Expand Expand

Yes. If you have ticked 'Stay Logged in for 2 weeks' on the login page then you can use the software for 2 weeks offline. Then you will have to go online to login to renew the 2 week offline usage period.

If I cancel Premium, can I still use the software? Expand Expand

Yes. After you have cancelled, you still have Premium access till the end of the period of your subscription. At the end of the period you will revert to Free version and the Premium features will be locked. Any Premium content you created will be accessible but readonly.


Can I draw charts without any pictures? Expand Expand

Yes. Click edit mode (if not already in edit mode) and then add people and enter their details. You can select a style with only text information to hide the face placeholders.

Can I show multiple marriages? Expand Expand

Yes. Click the add button to add as many relationships as required.

Can I arrange the people? Expand Expand

Yes. You can move people in the chart to suit your family structure and make the chart look balanced.

Can same gender relationships be drawn? Expand Expand

Yes. Your can select the gender of both people in the relationship.

Can I create my own styles? Expand Expand

Yes. Choose an existing style and then click Add to create a new style based on the current one selected and then edit the new one. Each base style has properties that can be changed such and colours, text, font size, borders, etc.

Note: Free version limits you to create one custom style.


What pictures can I use? Expand Expand

You can use pictures from your phone, your camera, or any device which makes the photos visible to Windows.

Is there a limit to how many pictures I can import? Expand Expand

The free version has a limit of 10 pictures. The Premium version has no limit.

What quality photo should I use? Expand Expand

An easy way to check if the quality of the photo is good is to zoom in and if the face looks clear and without pixels then it is sufficiently good. Some photos uploaded to facebook are reduced so save space and increase load time but this reduces the quality. If that is true then try to find the original and import that.

What resolution should be used to scan pictures? Expand Expand

Scanned color images at 300dpi to 600dpi are usually of sufficient quality. Most photos do not show much more detail when scanned higher than 600dpi.

Are the face circles generated automatically? Expand Expand

Yes. They are detected when the picture is imported. If any face is missed then it can be added manually. You can also adjust the position and size of the face circles.